Overview of Canva

Canva is a leading graphic design platform that empowers users to create professional-calibre designs through an intuitive online interface.

Catering to individuals with varying design expertise, Canva Programmatic SEO offers a comprehensive library of pre-designed templates, high-quality design elements, and user-friendly tools. This versatile platform enables the creation of a broad spectrum of visual content, encompassing social media graphics, flyers, presentations, and infographics.

“Canva’s programmatic SEO strategy drives massive organic traffic by efficiently generating targeted content, solidifying its position as a leading design platform.”

A brief overview of Canvas programmatic SEO strategy

Canva leverages programmatic SEO to capture organic traffic efficiently on a large scale. Here’s a breakdown of their key tactics:

  • Keyword Targeting: They identify high-volume, relevant keywords users search for regarding design tools and templates.
  • Automated Content Creation: Canva uses automation to generate targeted landing pages optimised for these keywords.
  • Scalable Templates: These landing pages follow a structured format, allowing for an efficient content population and rapid page creation.
  • Search Intent Focus: The content caters to the specific intent behind each search term, effectively addressing user needs.
  • Earning Links Naturally: By providing valuable content across a vast array of design needs, Canva attracts backlinks organically.

This approach allows them to rank highly for numerous design-related searches, driving significant organic traffic to their platform.

Segregation of traffic numbers behind Canva’s programmatic SEO strategy

    • Direct: 71.19%  (565.3M)

    • Organic Search: 17.36% (137.9M)

Canva’s traffic distribution is impressive for a few reasons:

  • High Direct Traffic: A significant portion (71%) coming directly indicates strong brand awareness. Users know Canva and visit their site, suggesting brand loyalty and a user-friendly platform encouraging repeat visits and showcasing SEO optimisation benefits.
  • Balance with Organic Traffic: While direct traffic is high, a healthy 17% comes from organic search. This demonstrates that Canva ranks well for relevant design-related keywords, attracting new users through search engines.
  • Focus on User Experience: High direct traffic often suggests users find the platform easy to use and navigate, leading them to return directly.

Overall, this traffic breakdown reflects a strong brand with a user-friendly platform that attracts loyal users and new visitors through organic search.

Source: Semrush

Detailed Canva’s programmatic SEO strategy


190k indexed pages on Google

100M+ organic Traffic

Free {Name of the tool} Builder/Maker

    1. Free Online Resume Builder
    2. Free Photo Collage Maker
    3. Free Logo Maker

{Creative} Templates

    1. Instagram Templates
    2. Infographics Templates

A Deep Dive into the Structure of Canva Pages/Section

This section delves into the detailed organisation of Canvas offerings. We’ll explore the specific structure of Creative Maker Pages, Creative Templates, and Pages for Business, along with the associated data points.

Creative Maker Pages

Within this programmatic SEO strategy, Canva focuses on attracting users actively involved in design creation, encompassing both individual creators and design teams. These “Creative Maker” pages function as landing pages, aiming to convert visitors seeking specific design solutions.

To illustrate the effectiveness of this approach, let’s explore some examples of these “Creative Maker” pages and analyze the significant organic traffic they generate each month.

Example pageMonthly organic traffic
Logo maker179k
Online resume builder71k
Photo collage maker74k

Data Points of Pages:

To ensure optimal user experience and content relevance, Canva leverages several key data points when programmatically generating these pages.

    • Name of the Tool/Builder

    • CTA button

    • Key points and description of the tool

    • A tutorial Video on How to Use the Tool

    • FAQs related

    • More resources related to the tool

Creative Templates

Within this section, Canva prioritizes templates geared towards transactional design needs. These programmatically generated pages for “creative templates” function essentially as landing pages, aiming to convert visitors seeking specific design solutions.

Let’s now explore some example pages within this category and analyze their associated monthly organic traffic volume.

Example pageMonthly organic traffic
Resume templates83k
Certificate templates51k
Business card templates38k

Data Points

To optimize user experience, Canva leverages key data points on these programmatically generated pages…

    • A title for the creative template

    • A short description describing the template

    • A list of templates with multiple filtering options

    • Images of all the listed templates

    • Each templates’ names along with their makers’ names

Pages for Business

Within this section, Canva strategically targets users seeking business-oriented solutions, signifying a transactional intent. Programmatically generated pages categorized under “business solutions” function primarily as landing pages.

To understand user behavior better, let’s explore the example pages within this area and analyze their associated traffic volume.

Example pageMonthly organic traffic
Canva for sports teams100
Canva for real estate agents831
Photo collage maker100

Data Points

Canva strategically incorporates the following data points into its programmatically generated content…

    • A name describing the business use case

    • A short description

    • A big CTA button

    • Detailed descriptions of all features

    • Related Templates

    • Case Studies

    • Pricing

    • Frequently Asked Questions section


How Canva’s international SEO approach successfully executed with programmatic SEO

Canva conquers global SEO with programmatic muscle. Here’s the key:

    • Multilingual Keywords: They target high-volume search terms, factoring in cultural nuances for each language and region.

    • Localized Pages: Programmatic SEO generates landing pages optimized for these international keywords, with content and design tailored to local preferences.

    • Strategic URLs: URLs include location identifiers to signal regional relevance.

    • Global Backlinks: The vast amount of localized content attracts backlinks organically, boosting global ranking.

    • Marketing Alignment: Programmatic SEO integrates seamlessly with international marketing efforts for consistent messaging.

This winning combo lets Canva target global audiences effectively, driving impressive organic traffic and solidifying their design platform dominance worldwide. Following is the impressive results canva has achieve with programmatic SEO in various Countries:

Source: SEMrush

Build a programmatic SEO Strategy with uG

Witnessing Canva’s success with Programmatic SEO (pSEO) highlights its potential to drive organic traffic and user acquisition. Consider partnering with seasoned pSEO experts like upGrowth to unlock similar growth for your business. Our deep understanding of this powerful technique can propel your brand to new heights in the search engine results pages (SERPs).

Watch Now: How Canva Programmatic SEO Strategy Drives 100M+ Monthly Organic Visits

Segregation of traffic numbers behind Canva’s programmatic SEO strategy

    • Direct: 71.19%  (565.3M)

    • Organic Search: 17.36% (137.9M)

Canva’s traffic distribution is impressive for a few reasons:

  • High Direct Traffic: A significant portion (71%) coming directly indicates strong brand awareness. Users know Canva and visit their site, suggesting brand loyalty and a user-friendly platform encouraging repeat visits and showcasing SEO optimisation benefits.
  • Balance with Organic Traffic: While direct traffic is high, a healthy 17% comes from organic search. This demonstrates that Canva ranks well for relevant design-related keywords, attracting new users through search engines.
  • Focus on User Experience: High direct traffic often suggests users find the platform easy to use and navigate, leading them to return directly.

Overall, this traffic breakdown reflects a strong brand with a user-friendly platform that attracts loyal users and new visitors through organic search.

Source: Semrush

Detailed Canva’s programmatic SEO strategy


190k indexed pages on Google

100M+ organic Traffic

Free {Name of the tool} Builder/Maker

    1. Free Online Resume Builder
    2. Free Photo Collage Maker
    3. Free Logo Maker

{Creative} Templates

    1. Instagram Templates
    2. Infographics Templates

A Deep Dive into the Structure of Canva Pages/Section

This section delves into the detailed organisation of Canvas offerings. We’ll explore the specific structure of Creative Maker Pages, Creative Templates, and Pages for Business, along with the associated data points.

Creative Maker Pages

Within this programmatic SEO strategy, Canva focuses on attracting users actively involved in design creation, encompassing both individual creators and design teams. These “Creative Maker” pages function as landing pages, aiming to convert visitors seeking specific design solutions.

To illustrate the effectiveness of this approach, let’s explore some examples of these “Creative Maker” pages and analyze the significant organic traffic they generate each month.

Example pageMonthly organic traffic
Logo maker179k
Online resume builder71k
Photo collage maker74k

Data Points of Pages:

To ensure optimal user experience and content relevance, Canva leverages several key data points when programmatically generating these pages.

    • Name of the Tool/Builder

    • CTA button

    • Key points and description of the tool

    • A tutorial Video on How to Use the Tool

    • FAQs related

    • More resources related to the tool

Creative Templates

Within this section, Canva prioritizes templates geared towards transactional design needs. These programmatically generated pages for “creative templates” function essentially as landing pages, aiming to convert visitors seeking specific design solutions.

Let’s now explore some example pages within this category and analyze their associated monthly organic traffic volume.

Example pageMonthly organic traffic
Resume templates83k
Certificate templates51k
Business card templates38k

Data Points

To optimize user experience, Canva leverages key data points on these programmatically generated pages…

    • A title for the creative template

    • A short description describing the template

    • A list of templates with multiple filtering options

    • Images of all the listed templates

    • Each templates’ names along with their makers’ names

Pages for Business

Within this section, Canva strategically targets users seeking business-oriented solutions, signifying a transactional intent. Programmatically generated pages categorized under “business solutions” function primarily as landing pages.

To understand user behavior better, let’s explore the example pages within this area and analyze their associated traffic volume.

Example pageMonthly organic traffic
Canva for sports teams100
Canva for real estate agents831
Photo collage maker100

Data Points

Canva strategically incorporates the following data points into its programmatically generated content…

    • A name describing the business use case

    • A short description

    • A big CTA button

    • Detailed descriptions of all features

    • Related Templates

    • Case Studies

    • Pricing

    • Frequently Asked Questions section


How Canva’s international SEO approach successfully executed with programmatic SEO

Canva conquers global SEO with programmatic muscle. Here’s the key:

    • Multilingual Keywords: They target high-volume search terms, factoring in cultural nuances for each language and region.

    • Localized Pages: Programmatic SEO generates landing pages optimized for these international keywords, with content and design tailored to local preferences.

    • Strategic URLs: URLs include location identifiers to signal regional relevance.

    • Global Backlinks: The vast amount of localized content attracts backlinks organically, boosting global ranking.

    • Marketing Alignment: Programmatic SEO integrates seamlessly with international marketing efforts for consistent messaging.

This winning combo lets Canva target global audiences effectively, driving impressive organic traffic and solidifying their design platform dominance worldwide. Following is the impressive results canva has achieve with programmatic SEO in various Countries:

Source: SEMrush

Build a programmatic SEO Strategy with uG

Witnessing Canva’s success with Programmatic SEO (pSEO) highlights its potential to drive organic traffic and user acquisition. Consider partnering with seasoned pSEO experts like upGrowth to unlock similar growth for your business. Our deep understanding of this powerful technique can propel your brand to new heights in the search engine results pages (SERPs).

Watch Now: How Canva Programmatic SEO Strategy Drives 100M+ Monthly Organic Visits

Key Takeaways

With 71.19% of traffic coming directly, Canva demonstrates strong brand awareness and loyalty, indicating that users prefer to navigate directly to the platform for their design needs.
Despite high direct traffic, Canva captures 17.36% of visits from organic search, reflecting effective SEO practices and the platform’s ability to attract new users through relevant search queries.
Canva uses programmatic affordable SEO optimisation to automate the creation of landing pages optimised for high-volume, relevant keywords, ensuring scalable and efficient content generation.
The platform focuses on creating content that aligns with user search intent, providing valuable resources like free builders, templates, and design tools, which enhances user experience and engagement.