Overview of in2013dollar

The In2013Dollars website functions as an inflation calculator. It leverages official data from the US Consumer Price Index (CPI) to provide a granular breakdown of inflation across various spending categories.

This user-friendly tool allows for the adjustment of historical dollar values to their equivalent purchasing power in 2013 or any year since 1635, thereby facilitating a clear understanding of how inflation has impacted purchasing power over time.

“In2013Dollars leverages programmatic SEO to create informative, user-centric pages that drive substantial organic traffic, establishing the platform as a trusted resource for understanding historical and current inflation impacts.”

A brief overview of in 2013dollar’s programmatic SEO strategy

in2013dollars utilizes programmatic SEO to generate informative blog-post styled pages that target particular user queries.

  • Programmatic content generation: in2013dollars uses programmatic SEO to create blog-post styled pages targeting specific user queries.
  • Interactive elements: These pages incorporate titles, succinct answers, detailed explanations, and interactive features like graphs, charts, and data tables.
  • Content variety: The programmatic approach allows for creating pages targeting inflation across various categories like housing, gas, and specific goods.
  • Focus on user experience: Each page includes a clear title, quick answer, and relevant data visualizations to enhance user experience.

Segregation of traffic numbers behind in2013dollar’s programmatic SEO strategy

    • Direct: 27.58% (792.5K)

    • Organic Search: 71.74% (2.1M)

Here’s the breakdown of direct traffic, organic search traffic, and why the provided stats are impressive for in2013dollars:

  • Direct Traffic (27.58%): This refers to website visits where users arrived by typing the URL directly into their browser bar, clicking a bookmark, or following a link from an email or document (where the source isn’t tracked). A high percentage of direct traffic indicates brand awareness and user loyalty. People know in2013dollars and return directly for its value.
  • Organic Search Traffic (71.74%): This represents website visits where users found in2013dollars through search engines like Google or Bing after searching for relevant terms. Strong organic traffic signifies effective Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategies. In2013dollars programmatic seo likely ranks well for searches related to inflation, cost of living adjustments, and historical purchasing power.

Why this traffic split is commendable for in2013dollars:

  • Balance: Having a healthy mix of direct and organic traffic is ideal. A high direct traffic percentage suggests a strong brand, while a high organic traffic percentage indicates successful SEO efforts. in2013dollars achieves both.
  • Targeted Audience: The high organic search traffic suggests in2013dollars attracts users actively searching for information it provides. This translates to a more targeted and likely engaged audience.
  • Niche Focus: For a website like in2013dollars with a specific niche (inflation and purchasing power), achieving such a high organic traffic share demonstrates exceptional SEO performance within that niche.

Overall, the traffic breakdown indicates a strong online presence for in2013dollars. They’ve built brand awareness (direct traffic) and attract a targeted audience actively seeking their content (organic traffic).

SOURCE: Semrush

Detailed in2013dollars programmatic SEO strategy


105K+ monthly organic traffic

124K + pages indexed on Google

Value of {amount} from {past year} to {current year}

    1. Value of $1 from 2020 to 2023
    2. Value of $1 from 2019 to 2023
    3. Value of $1 from 1980 to 2023

Price inflation for {object}

    1. Price Inflation for Housing
    2. Price Inflation for Gas
    3. Price Inflation for Ground Beef

A Deep Dive into the Structure of in2013dollars Pages/Section

In2013Dollars employs programmatic SEO, which we’ll explore further through the case study. Here is a deep dive into Price inflation of objects Page.

Price inflation of objects

The programmatic best seo optimization approach allows in2013dollars to create dedicated blog-post style pages focusing on price inflation for specific objects (e.g., housing, gas, groceries). These pages provide valuable information to users.

Let’s explore some examples of these object-specific inflation pages and analyze their monthly organic traffic figures. This will give us insights into user interest and search behavior related to inflation of various items.

Example page Monthly organic traffic
Price Inflation for Ground Beef 1.2k
Price Inflation for Gas 1.4k
Price Inflation for Housing 1.7k

Data Points

Here’s a glimpse of the data in2013dollars incorporates into its programmatic content:

    • A description title and a quick answer of the topic

    • Price comparison of data points and chart of the commodity

    • Price history table of the commodity

    • Buying power table

    • A detailed description of everything in a blog post style


How in2013dollars international SEO approach successfully executed with programmatic SEO

US 43.9K www.in2013dollars.com/us/
UK 14K www.in2013dollars.com/uk/
IND 4.9K www.in2013dollars.com/india/
CA 4.7K www.in2013dollars.com/canada/

SOURCE: Semrush

Programmatic SEO typically focuses on creating content optimized for search terms within a specific language or region. However, in2013dollars’ programmatic approach contributes to international SEO success in a couple of ways:

  1. Topic Targeting:  in2013dollars offers inflation data for various countries, the programmatic generation of pages targeting inflation queries in those countries (translated versions) improves international SEO.
  2. Scalability: Programmatic SEO allows for efficient content creation.  in2013dollars has expanded to new international audiences by adapting their programmatic approach to generate content in new languages without building everything from scratch.

Build a programmatic SEO Strategy with uG

Witnessing in2013dollars’ success with Programmatic SEO (pSEO) is a powerful testament to its effectiveness.

To leverage pSEO’s potential and achieve similar results, partnering with experienced professionals like upGrowth is invaluable.

Their deep understanding of pSEO can craft data-driven content strategies that target high-intent searches, ultimately attracting qualified leads and propelling your business growth.

Watch Now: How in2013Dollars Programmatic SEO Strategy Drives 100M+ Monthly Organic Visits

Segregation of traffic numbers behind in2013dollar’s programmatic SEO strategy

    • Direct: 27.58% (792.5K)

    • Organic Search: 71.74% (2.1M)

Here’s the breakdown of direct traffic, organic search traffic, and why the provided stats are impressive for in2013dollars:

  • Direct Traffic (27.58%): This refers to website visits where users arrived by typing the URL directly into their browser bar, clicking a bookmark, or following a link from an email or document (where the source isn’t tracked). A high percentage of direct traffic indicates brand awareness and user loyalty. People know in2013dollars and return directly for its value.
  • Organic Search Traffic (71.74%): This represents website visits where users found in2013dollars through search engines like Google or Bing after searching for relevant terms. Strong organic traffic signifies effective Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategies. In2013dollars programmatic seo likely ranks well for searches related to inflation, cost of living adjustments, and historical purchasing power.

Why this traffic split is commendable for in2013dollars:

  • Balance: Having a healthy mix of direct and organic traffic is ideal. A high direct traffic percentage suggests a strong brand, while a high organic traffic percentage indicates successful SEO efforts. in2013dollars achieves both.
  • Targeted Audience: The high organic search traffic suggests in2013dollars attracts users actively searching for information it provides. This translates to a more targeted and likely engaged audience.
  • Niche Focus: For a website like in2013dollars with a specific niche (inflation and purchasing power), achieving such a high organic traffic share demonstrates exceptional SEO performance within that niche.

Overall, the traffic breakdown indicates a strong online presence for in2013dollars. They’ve built brand awareness (direct traffic) and attract a targeted audience actively seeking their content (organic traffic).

SOURCE: Semrush

Detailed in2013dollars programmatic SEO strategy


105K+ monthly organic traffic

124K + pages indexed on Google

Value of {amount} from {past year} to {current year}

    1. Value of $1 from 2020 to 2023
    2. Value of $1 from 2019 to 2023
    3. Value of $1 from 1980 to 2023

Price inflation for {object}

    1. Price Inflation for Housing
    2. Price Inflation for Gas
    3. Price Inflation for Ground Beef

A Deep Dive into the Structure of in2013dollars Pages/Section

In2013Dollars employs programmatic SEO, which we’ll explore further through the case study. Here is a deep dive into Price inflation of objects Page.

Price inflation of objects

The programmatic best seo optimization approach allows in2013dollars to create dedicated blog-post style pages focusing on price inflation for specific objects (e.g., housing, gas, groceries). These pages provide valuable information to users.

Let’s explore some examples of these object-specific inflation pages and analyze their monthly organic traffic figures. This will give us insights into user interest and search behavior related to inflation of various items.

Example page Monthly organic traffic
Price Inflation for Ground Beef 1.2k
Price Inflation for Gas 1.4k
Price Inflation for Housing 1.7k

Data Points

Here’s a glimpse of the data in2013dollars incorporates into its programmatic content:

    • A description title and a quick answer of the topic

    • Price comparison of data points and chart of the commodity

    • Price history table of the commodity

    • Buying power table

    • A detailed description of everything in a blog post style


How in2013dollars international SEO approach successfully executed with programmatic SEO

US 43.9K www.in2013dollars.com/us/
UK 14K www.in2013dollars.com/uk/
IND 4.9K www.in2013dollars.com/india/
CA 4.7K www.in2013dollars.com/canada/

SOURCE: Semrush

Programmatic SEO typically focuses on creating content optimized for search terms within a specific language or region. However, in2013dollars’ programmatic approach contributes to international SEO success in a couple of ways:

  1. Topic Targeting:  in2013dollars offers inflation data for various countries, the programmatic generation of pages targeting inflation queries in those countries (translated versions) improves international SEO.
  2. Scalability: Programmatic SEO allows for efficient content creation.  in2013dollars has expanded to new international audiences by adapting their programmatic approach to generate content in new languages without building everything from scratch.

Build a programmatic SEO Strategy with uG

Witnessing in2013dollars’ success with Programmatic SEO (pSEO) is a powerful testament to its effectiveness.

To leverage pSEO’s potential and achieve similar results, partnering with experienced professionals like upGrowth is invaluable.

Their deep understanding of pSEO can craft data-driven content strategies that target high-intent searches, ultimately attracting qualified leads and propelling your business growth.

Watch Now: How in2013Dollars Programmatic SEO Strategy Drives 100M+ Monthly Organic Visits

Key Takeaways

In2013Dollars uses programmatic SEO to generate blog-post styled pages that target specific user queries related to inflation, incorporating interactive elements like graphs and data tables.
With 71.74% of its traffic coming from organic searches, In2013Dollars demonstrates a successful SEO strategy that ranks well for relevant keywords for SEO optimization and attracts users searching for detailed inflation information.
A significant portion of direct traffic (27.58%) indicates that In2013Dollars has built substantial brand recognition and user loyalty, with visitors returning directly to the site for its valuable resources.
The healthy mix of direct and organic traffic reflects a well-rounded online presence, ensuring that In2013Dollars is not overly reliant on a single source and can attract both new and returning users effectively.