Brief Overview of Wise

Wise, formerly known as TransferWise, is a trusted online money transfer and international banking service that offers a convenient and cost-effective way to send, receive, and manage money globally. With Wise, users can easily connect their finances worldwide, benefiting from high-speed and low-fee transfers in over 40 currencies.

The platform provides a simple account management system, allowing individuals and businesses to seamlessly send money across borders, pay international bills, and earn interest on USD balances with a competitive APY. Security is a top priority for Wise, utilising encryption and 2-step verification to safeguard user transactions. 

They have strong teams that work on fraud and security, making them safe and secure. Wise aims to serve as an all-in-one solution for clients, individuals, businesses of various scales, or organisations that never risk their money with an unreliable service provider.

“Wise targets international audiences, attracting over 37 million unique website visitors monthly and solidifying its position as a global leader in money transfer services, processing over $10 billion in cross-border transactions monthly.”

Why Wise Needed International SEO

International SEO helps Wise achieve several goals:

Increased Website Visibility: By optimising its website for relevant keywords in various languages, Wise improves its search engine ranking for users searching for international money transfer services. This translates to appearing higher on search engine results pages (SERPs), leading to more organic traffic.

Targeted Audience Attraction: International SEO allows Wise to tailor its website content and marketing efforts to specific countries. This helps it attract potential customers from its target markets who are actively searching for solutions like its own.

Global Brand Awareness Building: A strong international SEO strategy positions Wise as a global leader in the money transfer industry. By appearing in search results across different regions, Wise builds brand recognition and establishes itself as a trusted option for international transactions.

Segregation of Country Share behind Wise International SEO strategy

The idea of understanding how Wise allocates resources and focuses its international SEO efforts on specific countries’ an analysis of the segregation of country share and its potential implications:

United States (45.6%): With nearly half of the total share, the United States is Wise’s largest market. This significant portion suggests that a substantial part of their SEO strategy is tailored to the US audience. Optimising for US-specific keywords, creating content that resonates with American users, and leveraging local partnerships could be key components of their approach.

United Kingdom (16.3%): The UK holds a considerable share, indicating a strong presence in Wise’s home market. The company likely utilises country-specific domains or subdomains (e.g., and targets UK-centric keywords to optimise for this region. Localising content for British users and adhering to local regulations are also important considerations.

Canada (12.8%): Canada represents the third-largest market share. Given Canada’s bilingual nature, Wise’s strategy for this country may involve optimising French and English languages. Targeting Canadian-specific keywords and understanding cultural nuances could be part of their plan to maintain and grow this market share.

Australia (11.1%): Australia is another key market with a double-digit percentage. Wise might employ a country-specific domain (e.g., and focus on optimising for local search engines like Google Australia. Understanding the Australian market’s unique slang and cultural references can help create resonant content.

India (4.9%): While India has a smaller share, it represents a large potential market. Wise may have a localised strategy for this country, including content in various Indian languages and optimising for local search engines like Google India. Understanding the regulatory landscape and partnering with local financial institutions could be crucial for success in this market.

Other Countries (9.3%): The remaining share is distributed across other countries, each with smaller individual percentages. Wise might adopt a more generalised international SEO approach for these markets, focusing on broad keywords and content that appeals to a wider audience.

Wise’s international SEO strategy likely involves tailoring content, keywords, and domains for each major market to maximise its reach and engagement.

They may also leverage localised partnerships and cultural nuances to create resonant content for users in each region. Understanding these country shares can help Wise allocate resources effectively and develop targeted campaigns to grow its user base in each market.

How Wise Implemented International SEO

Wise likely utilises a multi-pronged approach to international SEO. This might involve using hreflang tags for clear language, country targeting, and a URL structure incorporating country-specific subfolders.

They likely prioritise accurate content translation and localised keywords to cater to each market’s search habits. Additionally, Wise might focus on acquiring backlinks from websites within the same region and language as their targeted subfolders to strengthen their localised content’s authority.

Wise Key Markets

Wise’s key markets encompass diverse regions, each presenting unique opportunities and considerations. The United States is their largest market, accounting for nearly half of their country share.

This underscores the critical importance of tailoring content and partnerships to resonate with American users. The United Kingdom, their home market, holds a substantial share, emphasising the need for localised content and compliance with UK regulations. 

Canada, Australia, and India represent additional key markets, each requiring nuanced approaches in language, cultural resonance, and regulatory adherence.

Understanding these market distributions helps Wise allocate resources effectively and develop targeted campaigns, ensuring a strong global presence and a seamless user experience for their international money transfer services.

Technical SEO

Wise’s technical SEO game is strong. It employs strategic URL structures with country-specific subfolders (e.g.,, This approach helps search engines understand the targeted regions and serve the right content to users. 

Hreflang Tags

Wise strategically uses hreflang tags to inform search engines about each webpage’s language and target country. This ensures users are directed to the most relevant website version based on their location and language preference.

URL Structure

The URL structure contains distinct, anatomised subdirectories for each country of focus (e.g. /us/, /de/). It also assists the search meters with website targeting and enhances the users’ experience, knowing that a specific webpage covers their geographical area.

Country URL Structure

Content Localization

Content localisation is pivotal to Wise’s international SEO strategy, ensuring its messaging resonates with users across different languages and cultures.

Wise connects with its diverse audience on a deeper level, which is why it has become committed to delivering personalised service.

This makes communication with the consumers more interesting, builds trust, and enhances the power between them. Wise claims to be a worldwide and culturally understanding company.

Accurate Translation

Wise prioritises accurate translation of their website content for various target markets. This involves using professional translators to ensure that the content is easily understood, free from grammatical errors, and does not offend the cultural norms of the targeted users who prefer to read content in their language.


Localized Keywords

They go beyond simple translation by conducting in-depth keyword research for each target market. This allows them to identify relevant search terms used by potential customers in different countries and optimise their content for these localised keywords, increasing their chances of ranking higher in local search results.

Localised Content

Wise may go beyond translation and create content specifically tailored to the needs and interests of its audience in each country. This could include blog posts, guides, and FAQs addressing local regulations, currency exchange trends relevant to the region, or preferred payment methods. By providing localised content that resonates with local audiences, Wise establishes itself as a knowledgeable and helpful resource.

Traffic Numbers by Countries Subfolders 

The data showcases traffic and keyword numbers for specific countries (India, UK, US, Germany). This suggests Wise tracks these metrics to understand user behaviour and content performance across different markets. By analysing traffic and keyword data, Wise can identify which content resonates with specific audiences and adjust their strategy accordingly.

Country Traffic Subfolders
India 6.5M
UK 37.1M
US 9.3M
Germany 2.9M

Keywords Numbers by Countries Subfolders 

Keywords play a pivotal role in Wise’s international SEO strategy, and the provided data offers valuable insights into their keyword performance across different countries and subfolders.

By optimising for country-specific keywords and employing strategic content localisation, Wise enhances its search engine rankings and effectively reaches its target audiences in these key markets.

This data highlights the critical role of keyword research and localisation in Wise’s international SEO success, enabling them to provide accessible and culturally sensitive financial services worldwide.

Country Keywords Subfolders
India 239.2K
US 1.4M
Germany 245.1K

Backlink Profile for Local Language Content/Subfolder

Backlinks are crucial for SEO, and Wise likely focuses on acquiring backlinks from websites within the same geographical region and language as the targeted subfolder. This strengthens the authority of their localised content in search engines’ eyes.


“Subfolder:” refers to Wise’s targeted optimisation for the Brazilian market. The subfolder indicates a dedicated section of their website specifically tailored for Brazilian users, likely featuring content in Portuguese, the country’s primary language. The strategy here is to provide localised content and functionality to meet Brazilian users’ unique needs and preferences.

Top Backlinks for Subfolder

“Top Backlinks for Subfolder” emphasises the importance of acquiring backlinks from reputable websites within the same geographical region and language. 

Wise focuses on earning backlinks from Brazilian websites or websites targeting a Brazilian audience. This tactic helps establish the credibility and authority of the subfolder within local search engine rankings.

Wise enhances the visibility and trustworthiness of its Brazilian-focused content by gaining endorsements from relevant and influential local sources.

Getting backlinks within the same geographical region and language

Wise will likely attract organic traffic from Brazilian users by prioritising backlinks from the same geographical region and language. This targeted approach ensures that their content aligns with the interests and needs of the local audience, fostering a stronger connection and engagement. It also helps search engines understand that the subfolder is specifically intended for Brazilian users, improving the accuracy of search results and user experience.

Top Countries for Backlinks 

  • The two major countries for backlinks are the US and Brazil
  • The US country is targeted for the subfolder’s Brazil-based English Language Pages, while Brazil Country is targeted for Brazil-based and regional language 

By targeting these two countries for backlinks, Wise achieves a dual benefit. The US backlinks enhance their global reach and appeal, while the Brazil-focused backlinks solidify their position within the Brazilian market.

This strategic combination allows Wise to cater to a diverse range of users, leveraging the influence and reach of these two powerful markets to expand its international user base.


Wise’s international SEO strategy is a comprehensive and meticulously localised approach tailored to meet users’ unique needs in key markets. Through effective content localisation, keyword optimisation, and targeted backlinks, Wise establishes itself as a trusted global leader in online money transfers.

Their dedication to providing accessible and culturally sensitive financial services is evident in their meticulous country-specific optimisations.

Consider partnering with upGrowth to enhance your digital presence and connect with customers worldwide. As your trusted growth marketing agency, we specialise in helping businesses disrupt markets and achieve exponential growth.

Our data-driven experiments, thorough analysis, and diverse team of experts enable us to craft tailored solutions that deliver exceptional results. Visit upGrowth to learn how we can elevate your brand’s visibility, engagement, and success in the global marketplace.

Watch Now: How Wise International SEO Tactics Drive 116M+ Traffic Globally

Segregation of Country Share behind Wise International SEO strategy

The idea of understanding how Wise allocates resources and focuses its international SEO efforts on specific countries’ an analysis of the segregation of country share and its potential implications:

United States (45.6%): With nearly half of the total share, the United States is Wise’s largest market. This significant portion suggests that a substantial part of their SEO strategy is tailored to the US audience. Optimising for US-specific keywords, creating content that resonates with American users, and leveraging local partnerships could be key components of their approach.

United Kingdom (16.3%): The UK holds a considerable share, indicating a strong presence in Wise’s home market. The company likely utilises country-specific domains or subdomains (e.g., and targets UK-centric keywords to optimise for this region. Localising content for British users and adhering to local regulations are also important considerations.

Canada (12.8%): Canada represents the third-largest market share. Given Canada’s bilingual nature, Wise’s strategy for this country may involve optimising French and English languages. Targeting Canadian-specific keywords and understanding cultural nuances could be part of their plan to maintain and grow this market share.

Australia (11.1%): Australia is another key market with a double-digit percentage. Wise might employ a country-specific domain (e.g., and focus on optimising for local search engines like Google Australia. Understanding the Australian market’s unique slang and cultural references can help create resonant content.

India (4.9%): While India has a smaller share, it represents a large potential market. Wise may have a localised strategy for this country, including content in various Indian languages and optimising for local search engines like Google India. Understanding the regulatory landscape and partnering with local financial institutions could be crucial for success in this market.

Other Countries (9.3%): The remaining share is distributed across other countries, each with smaller individual percentages. Wise might adopt a more generalised international SEO approach for these markets, focusing on broad keywords and content that appeals to a wider audience.

Wise’s international SEO strategy likely involves tailoring content, keywords, and domains for each major market to maximise its reach and engagement.

They may also leverage localised partnerships and cultural nuances to create resonant content for users in each region. Understanding these country shares can help Wise allocate resources effectively and develop targeted campaigns to grow its user base in each market.

How Wise Implemented International SEO

Wise likely utilises a multi-pronged approach to international SEO. This might involve using hreflang tags for clear language, country targeting, and a URL structure incorporating country-specific subfolders.

They likely prioritise accurate content translation and localised keywords to cater to each market’s search habits. Additionally, Wise might focus on acquiring backlinks from websites within the same region and language as their targeted subfolders to strengthen their localised content’s authority.

Wise Key Markets

Wise’s key markets encompass diverse regions, each presenting unique opportunities and considerations. The United States is their largest market, accounting for nearly half of their country share.

This underscores the critical importance of tailoring content and partnerships to resonate with American users. The United Kingdom, their home market, holds a substantial share, emphasising the need for localised content and compliance with UK regulations. 

Canada, Australia, and India represent additional key markets, each requiring nuanced approaches in language, cultural resonance, and regulatory adherence.

Understanding these market distributions helps Wise allocate resources effectively and develop targeted campaigns, ensuring a strong global presence and a seamless user experience for their international money transfer services.

Technical SEO

Wise’s technical SEO game is strong. It employs strategic URL structures with country-specific subfolders (e.g.,, This approach helps search engines understand the targeted regions and serve the right content to users. 

Hreflang Tags

Wise strategically uses hreflang tags to inform search engines about each webpage’s language and target country. This ensures users are directed to the most relevant website version based on their location and language preference.

URL Structure

The URL structure contains distinct, anatomised subdirectories for each country of focus (e.g. /us/, /de/). It also assists the search meters with website targeting and enhances the users’ experience, knowing that a specific webpage covers their geographical area.

Country URL Structure

Content Localization

Content localisation is pivotal to Wise’s international SEO strategy, ensuring its messaging resonates with users across different languages and cultures.

Wise connects with its diverse audience on a deeper level, which is why it has become committed to delivering personalised service.

This makes communication with the consumers more interesting, builds trust, and enhances the power between them. Wise claims to be a worldwide and culturally understanding company.

Accurate Translation

Wise prioritises accurate translation of their website content for various target markets. This involves using professional translators to ensure that the content is easily understood, free from grammatical errors, and does not offend the cultural norms of the targeted users who prefer to read content in their language.


Localized Keywords

They go beyond simple translation by conducting in-depth keyword research for each target market. This allows them to identify relevant search terms used by potential customers in different countries and optimise their content for these localised keywords, increasing their chances of ranking higher in local search results.

Localised Content

Wise may go beyond translation and create content specifically tailored to the needs and interests of its audience in each country. This could include blog posts, guides, and FAQs addressing local regulations, currency exchange trends relevant to the region, or preferred payment methods. By providing localised content that resonates with local audiences, Wise establishes itself as a knowledgeable and helpful resource.

Traffic Numbers by Countries Subfolders 

The data showcases traffic and keyword numbers for specific countries (India, UK, US, Germany). This suggests Wise tracks these metrics to understand user behaviour and content performance across different markets. By analysing traffic and keyword data, Wise can identify which content resonates with specific audiences and adjust their strategy accordingly.

Country Traffic Subfolders
India 6.5M
UK 37.1M
US 9.3M
Germany 2.9M

Keywords Numbers by Countries Subfolders 

Keywords play a pivotal role in Wise’s international SEO strategy, and the provided data offers valuable insights into their keyword performance across different countries and subfolders.

By optimising for country-specific keywords and employing strategic content localisation, Wise enhances its search engine rankings and effectively reaches its target audiences in these key markets.

This data highlights the critical role of keyword research and localisation in Wise’s international SEO success, enabling them to provide accessible and culturally sensitive financial services worldwide.

Country Keywords Subfolders
India 239.2K
US 1.4M
Germany 245.1K

Backlink Profile for Local Language Content/Subfolder

Backlinks are crucial for SEO, and Wise likely focuses on acquiring backlinks from websites within the same geographical region and language as the targeted subfolder. This strengthens the authority of their localised content in search engines’ eyes.


“Subfolder:” refers to Wise’s targeted optimisation for the Brazilian market. The subfolder indicates a dedicated section of their website specifically tailored for Brazilian users, likely featuring content in Portuguese, the country’s primary language. The strategy here is to provide localised content and functionality to meet Brazilian users’ unique needs and preferences.

Top Backlinks for Subfolder

“Top Backlinks for Subfolder” emphasises the importance of acquiring backlinks from reputable websites within the same geographical region and language. 

Wise focuses on earning backlinks from Brazilian websites or websites targeting a Brazilian audience. This tactic helps establish the credibility and authority of the subfolder within local search engine rankings.

Wise enhances the visibility and trustworthiness of its Brazilian-focused content by gaining endorsements from relevant and influential local sources.

Getting backlinks within the same geographical region and language

Wise will likely attract organic traffic from Brazilian users by prioritising backlinks from the same geographical region and language. This targeted approach ensures that their content aligns with the interests and needs of the local audience, fostering a stronger connection and engagement. It also helps search engines understand that the subfolder is specifically intended for Brazilian users, improving the accuracy of search results and user experience.

Top Countries for Backlinks 

  • The two major countries for backlinks are the US and Brazil
  • The US country is targeted for the subfolder’s Brazil-based English Language Pages, while Brazil Country is targeted for Brazil-based and regional language 

By targeting these two countries for backlinks, Wise achieves a dual benefit. The US backlinks enhance their global reach and appeal, while the Brazil-focused backlinks solidify their position within the Brazilian market.

This strategic combination allows Wise to cater to a diverse range of users, leveraging the influence and reach of these two powerful markets to expand its international user base.


Wise’s international SEO strategy is a comprehensive and meticulously localised approach tailored to meet users’ unique needs in key markets. Through effective content localisation, keyword optimisation, and targeted backlinks, Wise establishes itself as a trusted global leader in online money transfers.

Their dedication to providing accessible and culturally sensitive financial services is evident in their meticulous country-specific optimisations.

Consider partnering with upGrowth to enhance your digital presence and connect with customers worldwide. As your trusted growth marketing agency, we specialise in helping businesses disrupt markets and achieve exponential growth.

Our data-driven experiments, thorough analysis, and diverse team of experts enable us to craft tailored solutions that deliver exceptional results. Visit upGrowth to learn how we can elevate your brand’s visibility, engagement, and success in the global marketplace.

Watch Now: How Wise International SEO Tactics Drive 116M+ Traffic Globally

Key Takeaways

Localised Content: Tailored content for each market, respecting cultural nuances.
Country-Specific SEO: Domains/subfolders target local search engines.
Backlink Strategy: Earning links from relevant regional sources builds authority.
Country Share Insights: Understanding market distributions guides resource allocation.